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> VAXStation 3100 0.Документация
сообщение 23.1.2020, 12:16
Сообщение #1


Группа: Root Admin
Сообщений: 6 295
Регистрация: 7.1.2006
Из: Красноярск
Пользователь №: 1

В сравнении серией MicroVAX 3100 по мощности процессора и простоте подключения внешних дисков VAXstation 3100 не намного лучше, однако интереснее габаритами и графическими возможностями.
VAXstation 3100 - это мощная и недорогая VAXstation от Digital для высокопроизводительных графических приложений. Впервые он был представлен в 1989 году. VAXstation 3100 входит в семейство компьютеров VAX. Основанная на втором поколении технологии чипсетов VAX, VAXstation 3100 переопределяет низкоуровневые вычисления VAX, обеспечивая в три раза производительность предыдущих рабочих станций начального уровня VAXstation.
Он достаточно тихий (после замены диска RZ23 на более современный) и маленький по сравнению с другими VAX. Также интересна возможность эмуляции MSDOS и 80286 процессора

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сообщение 23.1.2020, 17:34
Сообщение #2


Группа: Root Admin
Сообщений: 6 295
Регистрация: 7.1.2006
Из: Красноярск
Пользователь №: 1

На задней панели есть 8 диагностических светодиодов - VS3100 diagnostic LEDs
State Substate Definition
1111 1111 Power is applies but no instruction is executed.
1111 0000 Power is applied. The ROM code is successfully started and several instructions have been executed.
1110 0000 Console memory sizing routine is entered. Memory to hold the console data structures is located. The substate variables have no meaning in this section of the test.
1101 0000 The console data structures are initialized and have started testing the NVR.
1100 0000 The NVR test completed and the DZ test has started.
1011 0000 The DZ test completes. An optional video has been found but its testing has not been started. This is part of the console determination code.
1011 0001 The DZ test completes. No optional video is installed or, if it is installed, fails self-test. In either case, the base monochrome video test has been entered.
1010 0000 The video subsystem was tested and the console initialization sequence was entered.
1001 XXXX The system initializes and power-up testing starts. The substate variable indicates the subsystem test being excuted. See subsystem table below.
1000 XXXX The self-test completes with the substate indicating the failing subsystem. See subsystem table below. Enter TEST 50 to see results.
0111 XXXX Self-test was entered from the console TEST command. The substate indicats the subsystem test currently being executed. See subsystem table below. Enter TEST 50 to see results.
0110 XXXX The self-test completes from the TEST command with the substate indicating the failing subsystem. See subsystem table below. Enter TEST 50 to see results.
0101 XXXX The self-test started under control of the APT system. The substate indicats the subsystem test currently being executed. See subsystem table below. Enter TEST 50 to see results.
0100 XXXX The system exerciser started from a console TEST command. The substate indicats the value of the lower four bits of the command. If the system exerciser starts with a T 101, the substate contains a 0x0001. Read the test results on the screen.
0011 0000 The system exerciser started under control of the APT test delivery system. Read the test results on the screen.
0010 XXXX The entity-based module received a request from a host to enter monitor mode. This lets the host send commands to the system. This is indicated if the functionality of the EBM is implemented at a later release of the system ROM. Reserved for future use.
0001 XXXX Console mode was successfully entered and is ready to accept commands. This does not apply to power on. The substate indicates the failing subsystem if there is one. This differs from a self-test complete, because the console can be entered by means other than TEST command or power-on halt (for example HALT button).
0000 XXXX Attempting to boot the system. Once control passes to VMB, the state LED's have no meaning.

Subsystem Table
Substate Subsystem Substate Subsystem
1111 MONO 1110 CLK
1101 NVR 1100 DZ
1011 MEM 1010 MM
1001 FP 1000 IT
0111 STRG-1 or SCSI-A 0110 SCSI-A or SCSI-B
0101 SYS 0100 8PLN
0011 (option) 0010 (option)
0001 NI

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сообщение 2.3.2020, 10:41
Сообщение #3


Группа: Root Admin
Сообщений: 6 295
Регистрация: 7.1.2006
Из: Красноярск
Пользователь №: 1

VAXstation 3100 Maintenance
Guide Addendum
Models 38 & 48
Order Number EK-344AA-AD-001
Прикрепленный файл  VAXstation_3100_Maintenance_Guide_Addendum_Models_38___48.pdf ( 1.34 мегабайт ) Кол-во скачиваний: 2427

VAXstation 3100 cover letter
Прикрепленный файл  EK_393AA_CL_VAXstation_3100_Cover_Letter_Dec89.pdf ( 148.03 килобайт ) Кол-во скачиваний: 2270

VAXstation 3100 Model 40
Owner's Manual
Order Number EK-266AA-OM-001
Прикрепленный файл  EK_266AA_OM_001_VAXstation_3100_Model_40_Owners_Manual_Jan89.pdf ( 4.39 мегабайт ) Кол-во скачиваний: 2545

VAXstation Native Graphics Procedures
Order Number AA-AG30A-TE
Прикрепленный файл  AA_AG30A_TE_VAXstation_Native_Graphics_Procedures_Jun84.pdf ( 2.79 мегабайт ) Кол-во скачиваний: 2346

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