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> Исходники ПЗУ: Драйверный модуль БК-0011
сообщение 20.10.2009, 15:38
Сообщение #1


Группа: Root Admin
Сообщений: 6 295
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Из: Красноярск
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.Mcall    .Module
.Module    BCIRCL,Release=X02, Version=02, Comment=<BK0011 Circle Drawing>
;            Copyright (c) 1986,1987 by
;    C-11 Special Interest Group, Leningrad State University.
;             All rights reserved.
; This software is furnished under a license and may be used and  copied
; only  in  accordance  with  the  terms  of  such  license and with the
; inclusion of the above copyright notice.  This software or  any  other
; copies  thereof may not be provided or otherwise made available to any
; other person.  No title to and ownership of  the  software  is  hereby
; transfered.
; The information in this software is subject to change without notice
; and should not be construed as a commitment by C-11 group.
; C-11 assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its
; software on equipment which is not submitted by C-11.
.Include "BKHEAD"
.Globl    Point,Vector
.Psect    $CodOvr
.SbTtl    Circle    Routine (Circle Drawing)
; This Routine draws the circle or circle arc with parameters specified.
; Routine Uses All the registers (R0..R5).
; Input parametres are in static memory area:
;    $XC  - X coordinate of arc center
;    $YC  - Y coordinate of arc center
;    $RAD - circle or arc radius
;    $BEG - Start angle
;    $END - End angle
;    $CX  - X-Coordinate concise coeffitient
;    $CY  - Y-Coordinate concise coeffitient
;$BEG and $END - Integer number 0...77777 (Octal)
;0    -> 0
;77777    -> 2*pi
;If number given less than <0, absolute value of parameter
;is angle, appropriate point of arc concatenated with arc center.
;$CX, $CY - 0..177777, If equal zero than no concise, else
; Real Coordinate X = X * $CX / 2 ** 16
; Real Coordinate Y = Y * $CY / 2 ** 16
    Clr    $LB       ; Clear LE and LB (Sign Flags)
    ClrB    $LE
    Clr    $INV
    Mov    #BufOut,R0   ; Clear "BufOut" Buffer
    Mov    #4,R1
10$:    Clr    (R0)+
    Sob    R1,10$
    Mov    $BEG,R1       ; Test initial angle
    Bpl    20$
    Neg    R1       ; Get absolute value
    IncB    $LB       ; and set flag
20$:    Mov    R1,-(SP)   ; store initial angle
    Call    Octet       ; Compute octet and coordinate
    Mov    R1,$$BEG   ; Store initial coordinate
    Mov    R5,R4       ; and octet No
    Mov    $END,R1       ; Process ending point
    Bpl    30$
    Neg    R1
    IncB    $LE
30$:    Mov    R1,-(SP)   ; Store End point
    Call    Octet
    Mov    R1,$$END   ; Ending coordinate
    BisB    #2,BufOut(R4)   ; Mark begin
    Cmp    R4,R5       ; End sector=Begin sector?
    Bne    40$       ; No...
    Cmp    (SP)+,(SP)+   ; Compare End and Begin Coordinates
    Bgt    60$       ; End > Begin - normal direction
    Inc    $INV       ; Mark Inverse Direction
    Br    50$
40$:    Cmp    (SP)+,(SP)+   ; Clear Stack
50$:    Inc    R4       ; Increase octet No
    Bic    #^C7,R4
    Cmp    R4,R5       ; last octet?
    Beq    60$       ; Yes
    BisB    #200,BufOut(R4)   ; Set "Always write" Flag
    Br    50$
60$:    BisB    #4,BufOut(R4)   ; Set "Test the end" Flag
.SbTtl    Second part of Routine - Drawing proper
;Register are:
; R1- Relative  X
; R2- Relative Y
; R5- Sector's Counter
; R0- D
; R3 and R4 are working
    Clr    R1       ; X=0
    Mov    $RAD,R2       ; Y=R
    Mov    R2,R0
    Asl    R0
    Neg    R0
    Add    #3,R0       ; D=3-2*R

.SbTtl    Main Loop of Drawing Algorithm

70$:    Cmp    R1,R2
    Bgt    100$       ; If(X>Y) - Than Exit
               ; Else {
    Call    DRAW8       ; Write eigth points of circle
    Tst    R0       ; If D<0
    Bge    80$
    Mov    R1,R3       ;   Then D = D+4*X+6
    Asl    R3
    Asl    R3
    Add    #6,R3
    Add    R3,R0
    Br    90$
80$:    Mov    R1,R3       ;   Else D = D+4*(X-Y)+10.
    Sub    R2,R3       ;; X - Y
    Asl    R3
    Asl    R3
    Add    #10.,R3
    Add    R3,R0
    Dec    R2       ; Y--
90$:               ;/* EndIf*/
    Inc    R1       ; X++
    Br    70$

100$:    Return
.SbTtl    DRAW8 - Selective drawing of arc points
;R1    - Relative X-coordinate of point
;R2    - Relative Y-coordinate of point
;This routine also uses $XC, $YC, $BEG, $END, $CX, $CY and Bufout Data
DRAW8:    Mov    R0,-(SP)   ;Save R0 Thru r2
    Mov    R1,-(SP)
    Mov    R2,-(SP)
    Mov    #7,R5       ;sektor No
;Sector's Loop
10$:    Clr    R4       ; Clear "Radius Drawing" flag
    Mov    (SP),R2       ;Restore original Y
    Mov    2(SP),R1   ;  and X Coordinates
    MovB    BufOut(R5),R0   ;Test Flags for sector processing
    Beq    90$       ; == 0 --> skip this sector
    Bmi    30$       ; < 0  --> Draw All points
    Call    @TTAB-2(R0)   ; > 0  --> Check Cordinates
    Bcs    90$       ; Not draw this point
30$:    Bit    #2,R5       ; swap Coordinates ?
    Beq    40$       ; No...
    Mov    R1,R3
    Mov    R2,R1       ; Swap(X,Y)
    Mov    R3,R2
40$:    Mov    R5,-(SP)   ; Store temporary
    Mov    $CX,R3       ; X-Scaling
    Beq    50$       ; not used...
    Call    CMul       ; Used...
50$:    Mov    $CY,R3       ; Y-Scaling processing
    Beq    60$
    Mov    R1,-(SP)
    Mov    R2,R1
    Call    CMul
    Mov    R1,R2
    Mov    (SP)+,R1
60$:    Mov    (SP)+,R5   ; Restore Octet No
    MovB    SIGS(R5),R0   ; Table of signs
    Bpl    70$       ; X-Sign
    Neg    R1       ; is "-"
70$:    AslB    R0       ; Y-Sign
    Bpl    80$       ; "+"
    Neg    R2       ; "-"
80$:    Add    $XC,R1       ; Get Absolute coordinates
    Add    $YC,R2       ;  ....
    Call    Point       ;Draw the point
    Tst    R4       ;Radius Drawing?
    Beq    90$       ;No
    Mov    $XC,R1
    Mov    $YC,R2
    Call    Vector       ;Write Vector
90$:    Dec    R5       ;Goto the Next Octet
    Bpl    10$
    Mov    (SP)+,R2   ;All done, Restore registers and exit
    Mov    (SP)+,R1
    Mov    (SP)+,R0
TTAB:    .Word    TBeg,    TEnd, TAll
;Octet Signs Table
SigS:    .BYTE    100, 300, 300, 200; mask 200 - "-X"
    .BYTE    200, 0, 0, 100     ; mask 100 - "-Y"
.Enabl    LSB
.SbTtl    Points Testing ROutines
TBEG:    Mov    $$BEG,R3   ; Bound Value
    Call    TEST
    Bgt    20$       ; Not Draw
    Bne    10$       ; not at bound, Draw
    TstB    $LB       ; Initial Radius Drawing ?
15$:    Beq    10$       ; No
    Inc    R4       ; Yes, Mark...
10$:    Tst    (PC)+
20$:    SeC

TEND:    Mov    $$END,R3
    Call    TEST
    BlT    20$
    Bne    10$
    TstB    $LE
    Br    15$

TALL:    Clr    R0
    Call    TBEG
    Adc    R0
    Call    TEND
    Adc    R0       ;Now R0=0
    Sub    $INV,R0
    Bgt    20$
    Br    10$

    Bit    #1,R5       ; Sector Writting Direction
    Bne    30$
    Cmp    R1,R3
30$:    Cmp    R3,R1
.Dsabl    LSB
.SbTtl    Octet Computing Routine
; Input:
;R2    = Positive Angle value.
; Output:
;R5    = Octet No
;R1    = Initial coordinate of Octet @r5
;R4 Not Changed.
;Uses MySin Routine
Octet:    Mov    R1,R5
    Bic    #^C70000,R5   ;Octet No bits
    Bic    R5,R1       ;R1 = internal octet angle
    Asr    R5       ;111 000 000 000 00
    Asr    R5       ;111 000 000 000 0
    Asr    R5       ;111 000 000 000
    Asr    R5       ;111 000 000 00
    Swab    R5       ;111
    Dec    R5
    Bic    #^C7,R5       ;R5=Octet No
    Bit    #1,R5       ;Internal Coordinate direction must be
               ;changed ?
    Bne    10$       ; No
    Neg    R1
    Add    #7777,R1
10$:    Call    MySin       ; R1=$RAD*Sin(R1/10000*Pi/4)

.SbTtl    Sine function approcsimation
;    R1 = $RAD*Sin(R1/10000*Pi/4) where R1=0..7777
; It's the simpliest realization - linear approcsimation used:
;R4 and R5 are unchanged.
SinPi4 = 132404
    Mov    R4,-(SP)
    Mov    R5,R2       ;Save R4 and R5
    Asl    R1
    Asl    R1
    Asl    R1
    Asl    R1       ;Fix decimal point at the left of MSB
    Mov    $Rad,R3       ;and Scale R1
    Call    CMul
    Mov    #SinPi4,R3   ;Sin(Pi/4)
    Call    CMul
    Mov    R2,R5       ;Restore R5
    Mov    (SP)+,R4   ;and R4

.SbTtl    CMul R1 to R3 Scaling procedure
;Computes R1=R1*R3/2**16
;R0, R3, R4 and R5 are changed
    Mov    R2,-(SP)
    Mov    R1,R0       ;Multiplier
    Clr    R1
    Clr    R2
    Clr    R5
10$:    Ror    R0       ;Shift out the following Bit (C == 0)
    Bcc    20$
    Add    R5,R1       ;Most significant part
    Add    R3,R2       ;LSP
    Adc    R1
20$:    Asl    R3
    Rol    R5
    Tst    R0       ;All Done?
    Bne    10$       ;No, Continue
    Mov    (SP)+,R2   ;Restore R2
    Return           ;And Exit
.Psect    $Ram
$XC:    .BlkW       ; X0
$YC:    .BlkW       ; Y0
$RAD:    .BlkW       ; radius
$BEG:    .BlkW       ; Initial Main Coordinate
$END:    .BlkW       ; Ending Main Coordinate
$CX:    .BlkW       ; X-Scaling factor
$CY:    .BlkW       ; Y-Scaling factor

$$BEG:    .BlkW       ;
$$END:    .BlkW       ;
$INV:    .BlkW       ;
$LB:    .BlkB       ;
$LE:    .BlkB       ;Must be folow $LB
BufOut:    .BlkB    8.   ;Circle definition table

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Сообщений: 6 295
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Из: Красноярск
Пользователь №: 1


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